Mount Mouplogurna
Battery PL 906
PL 906
Mount Mouplogurna, altitude 284 m.
- Artillery Lieutenant Mori Antonio (Commander)
It was equipped with 4 guns of 76mm/40 at mount Mouplogourna.
It was a dual-purpose battery (Anti-aircraft and Anti-surface)
On one of the highest peaks of Leros is the former Italian anti-aircraft and naval artillery with code number PL 906. From the height of 284 meters, you can control the entire northwestern part of Leros, and for this reason, the PL906 artillery was placed there. It was a huge project that included a military building, underground water tanks, underground shelters, an observatory built at the highest point of the mountain, and four gun bases with huge support bolts, which testify to the firepower of the PL906 artillery! On November 17, 1943, the island fell into the hands of the Germans. The commander of PL 906 was Lieutenant Artillery Antonio Mori. At 18:30 on the same day, the fortress surrendered and since then its weapons fell silent! However, the building with its peculiar inscriptions and paintings remained to remind us of the futility of wars until today! When the fortress passed into the hands of the Germans, soldier Herbert Froind began to unfold his artistic talent on the walls of the barracks and more!! He painted... and his paintings still stand on the PL906, PL388 artillery batteries to this day. Two paintings have been depicted on the wall of PL906, one of which presents a building similar to the one in Laboe near Kiel, Germany.
PL 906 Today
Photos by Markos Spanos ©