Battery Ducci
Mount Gerakas (Cape Katsouni), altitude 152m.
- Artillery Captain Minozzi Mario (Commander)
The battery was equipped with 4 guns of 152 mm/50 and 1 gun of 120mm/45.
It was anti-surface artillery
With Captain of Artillery "MARIO MINNOZI" as the commander and with the collaboration of PL San Giorgio, they repelled a convoy consisting of six landing ships and accompanying torpedo boats. They resisted and won... no invasion from the east. Things were clear for them, no enemy ship, no enemy vessel passed! And so it happened... Observation posts,batteries, sailors and officers bound together like a fist, decided not to allow the Germans to invade the Gulf of Gournes!! A multitude of buildings, tanks, shelters, are there waiting to hear again voices of admiration, joy and calm words that narrate what had happened in that place. This island should be the setting for the film "THE CANONS OF NAVARONE ''. A film that became globally known...
Photos by Frantsesko DiPierro